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About Draugalis Photography



We are Peter and Marian Draugalis. We have owned and operated Draugalis Photography since 1990,  in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

We started the photography business after many years of working with families and children in human services. Pete has a BA and MA in Social Work and Sociology and spent 25 years in juvenile justice. It was the Juvenile Court Administrator position that brought him to Ann Arbor in 1985, but it was his love of photography that led him to his second, and favorite career.


Today, you are likely to see Pete at a local High School sporting event photographing those difficult to capture moments and cheering the athletes on.  Follow him on Facebook to see more of his action sports images.


Marian has an MA in communications and has a passion for creativity and the visual arts. Prior to joining Pete in the photography business, she pursued her own artwork creating clay and fabric figures. A display of her work is part of the permanent art collection in the lobby of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Michigan Hospital.


Over the years, what we love most about our business is all the wonderful people we meet. From the loving families to the high school seniors that give us hope for the future.

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